- We look forwarding to welcoming you at Chestnut Lodges, but please be aware that we are a working dairy farm and we ask guests to respect the SIGNS around the farm regarding areas that are off limits to them. We take our Health and Safety responsibilities very seriously and ask visitors to respect our safety rules.
- Be aware that there may be tractors moving on the main farm track at any time.
- To keep our livestock secure please ensure that any gates you use are SHUT again after you have walked through them.
- As a working Dairy farm, important daily jobs need to be carried out such as milking and feeding the calves. Throughout the farming year activities such as slurry spreading, ploughing and harvesting will take place. These are vital to our working farm but sometimes cause smells and some noise (but are quite fun to watch!).
- Clay Shoot – As part of our farm diversification we also run a regular Clay Shoot in the woods near to the Pods. This takes place on alternate Sundays from 10am – 1.00pm. You will be advised on booking if this coincides with your stay with us.
- During the fortnightly Sunday shoot there will be people walking through to the wood near the Pods and there will be noise from the guns. You are very welcome to join us in the Shoot Club House during this time and partake of Bacon/egg/sausage rolls and hot drinks. It’s a very sociable occasion.
- For reasons of SAFETY, Guests are not permitted to touch or interfere with any of the clay traps or associated equipment they may come across on their stay with us.
- We also run occasional corporate shoots at the area at the bottom of the farm yard. Please look at the notice board by the car park where we will bring any possible corporate shoots sessions to your attention before they happen.